Don’t tiptoe thru the tulips – cycle!

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Imagine cycling through the countryside among fields of colorful tulips stretching for miles with the sight of a pretty windmill in the distance. Just over a rustic bridge, you stop for a rest, inhale the scent of the fragrant flowers and take photos of the scenery surrounding the path you are traveling.

Biking through the Netherlands provides a form of slow travel that allows you to experience truly local sights and get a fitness fix at the same time. This beautiful European country has charming towns, quaint villages, and lovely countryside that will keep you entranced. Biking tourism is popular for many reasons, including how easily you can hit the bike brakes to stop and admire the sights and then continue your adventure when you are ready.

For the Dutch, cycling has become a way of life – almost everyone owns a bike, including children and the elderly. The biking culture is so popular in the Netherlands that most people ride every day and some paths serve double duty as bike paths and power generators because these solar cell-covered paths collect energy!

Narrow streets and canals means you get to your destination faster than by car in Amsterdam.

The flat landscape of the Netherlands makes it easy for leisure riding, so you don’t need to be ultra-fit or a serious cyclist to enjoy this mode of travel when you visit. Those with young children or in their retirement years, might dismiss biking as being too energetic and demanding, but once you see how the locals embrace biking, you might be tempted to give it a try. The locals will always be cheering you on in their warm and friendly way, as they love seeing visitors embrace their biking culture.

Tulip time provides not only beautiful scenery for a bike tour, but a delightful scented tour as well.

Since travelers are all different, you will find different kinds of bikes for your journey, including recreational bikes, e-bikes and road bikes. Depending on your experience and fitness level, you can match the right bike and tour, so you have a wonderful time cycling the great outdoors. You can even choose your bike seat to help you have a comfortable ride.

There are many kinds of bike tours available with something for everyone from hour-long tours to full or multi-day tours.  You can find group tours, luxury

tours, and family-friend tours, making your bike trip a great social experience. For those that enjoy time in the company of friends and/or family or even alone, you can head out on a self-guided tour through a tour company, leveraging the services just like you would get on a tour.  This more independent style of bike travel works out to be affordable yet still comes with services including routes, information and a help hotline.

There is nothing like being able to enjoy your pedal-powered travel without the hassles and logistics. All the details are arranged when booking a group or self-guided bike tour. When moving on to a new hotel, your baggage will be transported for you while you use peddle power to reach your destination. If your bike needs a repair or the weather turns bad, you will be rescued, making it a stress-free adventure that will be exhilarating. Getting to your destination promises to be both rewarding and exciting.  After biking thru the scenic countryside all

Due to its biking culture, you frequently see crowded bike parking lots.

day, indulge in some guilt-free local cuisine with drinks and dessert. The beer that waits for you at the end of a fun day of cycling will taste incredible.

Life in the Netherland’s bike lane is great for first-time bike tour travelers. It is a very safe place to cycle, so safe that wearing a helmet isn’t required. Even with group tours, you can ride at your own pace and enjoy the sights and scenery; taking your time to experience the environment is what it’s all about. Once you experience the fun of cycling in Holland, you might consider bike tours in other countries too. Barge cruises and biking trips are also popular for travelers who like to mix it up. This different kind of travel is easy to get used to and might be your new-found pastime.

See the Netherlands by land and water on a bike and barge tour.

The Dutch constructed over 35,000 km of bike paths where you can see lush forests, pristine rivers, ocean, plains, towns and more. You might stop to explore a local bakery and farmer’s market with the freshest cheese for your picnic later. You are free to ride and park as your wish, making every day full of unexpected surprises.

Bike sightseeing provides a great way to immerse yourself in the communities you visit. Conversations with locals flow when they see you are riding through

their country and often, questions about where have you been and where are you going spark meaningful exchanges. These rich travel experiences probably wouldn’t happen if they were on a tour or driving by car.

As well as health and fitness benefits, cycling means you contribute to improving the environment. You will notice how fresh the air is, especially in the countryside. As you can tell, there are numerous benefits to biking in the Netherlands. If you’ve been considering a bike tour, I am sure you will find it immensely enjoyable. If this idea is new to you, I’m excited to help you discover this new form of travel.  Just give me a call!

Even cheese goes by bicycle in the Netherlands!

Pat Ogle-CollinsDon’t tiptoe thru the tulips – cycle!

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