Don’t forget that needed cable….again!

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For many, packing and/or unpacking are the dreaded part of travel. Remembering everything, picking clothes and coordinating outfits, overpacking before your trip, and laundry add to the dread of returning. What if you could make packing and unpacking easier?

Traveling multiple times a year to different destinations and for different reasons, the risk and/or inconvenience of forgetting something increases, and then so this preparation becomes more of a chore. Now I reduce the risk by having some items packed all the time. Purchasing duplicates or extras of some items means that I can leave these items packed, reducing the time needed to pack and unpack.

Following are some of the items suggested to leave in your suitcase or other bags all the time.

  • Toiletries (toothbrush and paste, deodorant, brush/comb, contact lens solution/case and an extra lens, makeup, pill cases to remind me to fill) and more.
  • Umbrella
  • Phone charger
  • Laptop cord
  • Pajamas
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Electronics accessories, including battery pack, mini and regular usb cables, earphones, adapter plugs
  • Lightweight sweater
  • Swimsuit

When unpacking, put the clothing items from the trip in the laundry and immediately place clean items from your wardrobe. Check/refill toiletries and other items for wear and tear, replacing them as soon as possible, if necessary.

Depending on your frequency of travel and your budget, this strategy can save a fair amount of time and reduce the chance of forgetting a needed item. When behind schedule or on a last-minute trip, the less you have to pull together, the less stressful the departure.

Travel should be about joy, but few genuinely enjoy the job of packing. Making things easier means starting your vacation more relaxed and able to start enjoying your time away sooner.

Pat Ogle-CollinsDon’t forget that needed cable….again!
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Make trip planning easier by knowing your travel style!

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Planning a vacation can be time-consuming and frustrating. The more complex the trip, time and frustration can readily increase. Working with an advisor can mitigate some of this. However, some preparation before you work with an advisor or before you start the planning yourself will make the entire process easier.

Dates and destination(s) are just the beginning. The key questions relate to how you like to travel. Do you know the travel style of you and each of your family members or travel companions?

By understanding your travel style, you readily identify the kinds of arrangements needed and a structure for your itinerary, saving you hours in research and rework. So what do I mean by travel style? Think about how you want to feel while you are traveling.

Ask yourself some of the following:

  • What is the objective of the trip? Is it rest and relaxation, sightseeing, meeting a goal or doing an activity, or something else?
  • Do you like to be on the go or a more relaxed schedule?
  • Are you an early riser or a night owl?
  • Do you want to feel more pampered or independent?
  • What stresses you when traveling?

When planning a vacation, the travel style of each traveler requires consideration. When including children and teens, the parents’ style may rule, particularly with the budget. However, giving children options helps them feel like it is their vacation too.

For example, if the kids like the idea of not sharing a room with mom and dad, then perhaps an apartment is an option. Or if the kids insist that they have a pool, then sharing a hotel room with mom and dad is the tradeoff.

Having conversations with grandparents or friends with whom you are traveling can help mitigate misunderstandings and hurt feelings.  When traveling with parents/grandparents, discuss pace and physical capabilities. With friends, clarify budget and responsibilities for costs while traveling in addition to other travel styles. Many relationships have soured when expectations of one or more travelers are not met because they were not discussed.

The questions above are just examples. Many other factors require discussion before you start planning. As you can see, when factoring in the number of people, their travel styles, destinations, dates, and more, vacation planning can turn into a complex job.

A good travel advisor experienced in identifying travel styles will ask lots of questions to determine all aspects of your travel style as well as those traveling with you. They will then take all the information and design a vacation to meet those styles, providing recommendations and options to resolve differences.

When spending a significant amount on a trip, take the time to find out what each travel would like and expects.  This will help you and your travel advisor create the perfect trip for you.

Give me a call, so I can do this for you!

Pat Ogle-CollinsMake trip planning easier by knowing your travel style!
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