A Total Cultural Adventure Awaits in Lyon!

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Are you a culture vulture? Do new food and the arts in different forms get you excited? If this is you, then Lyon is the perfect place!  The amazing and glorious Lyon, the French heart of gastronomy comprising world-class cuisine, rich history in silk, stunning architecture, and the birthplace of cinema, all contribute to the many reasons you should add Lyon to your travel wish list.

Overlooking Lyon from Notre Dame de Fourvière

Lyon is frequently referred to as the world’s Food Capital. Acquiring this glorious title did not just happen overnight for Lyon; it evolved with more than eight decades of perfecting the mastery of presenting amazing and scrumptious meals. Lyon is positioned on the banks of the Saone and Rhone rivers. This unique location will make you not only enjoy their food but also take in the scenery, with the foothills of the Alps near enough to accentuate that Alpine vibe, burgundy to the south and the Beaujolais to the north.

Inside a Lyon bouchon

Lyon is famous for its world’s popular Bouchons and the superior quality of its chocolatiers, patisseries, and boulangeries. When touring Lyon, you won’t want to miss the Paul Bocuse (the founder father of lyonnaise cuisines) Food Hall and the Lyonnaise signature specialties such as Rosette de Lyon (a kind of cured sausage common in the region) Coq au vin (a traditional braised chicken dish that originates from French peasantry), and pistachio sausage, served with mashed potatoes and a cream sauce.

As you stroll the street, you will be passing among the homes and restaurants of a number of the best chefs of France. While you would think world-class meals would cost more than your groceries for a week, you can experience most meals at pocket-friendly prices.

Coq au vin, a Lyonaise classic dish

Just when you thought food is the only thrill you will get from Lyon, boom! There’s more! The city is known worldwide as the birthplace of cinema, with more than a century of history. After the first cinematograph was invented by the French inventor Leon Bailey, who later sold it to Lumiere’s brother who was more financially stable.

Institut Lumière that chronicles the contributions the founders of cinematography

Your trip to Lyon would be incomplete without visiting the Institut Lumiere.  Here you can see classic photo reels with prototype cameras and a reproduction of the famous Photorama, Louis Lumière’s invention that let viewers see images projected in 360-degree panoramic images to a height of at least six meters.

While you are in the cinema history mood, make your way to the Museum of Miniature Film Sets, located in the former “Maison des Advocats” or Lawyers House, a famous sixteenth-century building currently under UNESCO protection. Two floors of at least a hundred miniature film sets that were used as scenes of actual movies before the wonders of technology were available.

Silk shopping in Lyon

It will be a shame to pass on the deep heritage of silk weaving in Lyon. Lyon’s illustrious silk industry is vivid in its industrial architecture and beautiful previous silk weavers’ homes. These remnants of Lyons’ glorious silk industry can still be found today, with several heritage locations providing insight into the silk industry’s history. The Maison des Canuts and L’Atelier de Soierie in the Croix-Rousse, are among the most popular sites to learn more about the silk industry in Lyon.

Finally, as a little extra – don’t overlook La Fresque des Lyonnais, rue de la Martinière, the home to Lyon’s most attractive murals depicting life in the city.

By TGV, the high-speed French train, you arrive in Paris in a mere 2 hours so combining with the City of Lights makes for a delightful week in France.  Or add a few days to the start or end of a river cruise on the Rhone and Saone rivers.  What are you waiting for?! Contact us today to help you perfectly plan your trip to Lyon.

Pat Ogle-CollinsA Total Cultural Adventure Awaits in Lyon!

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