Big game from a totally different perspective!

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When you visit Kenya and Tanzania you can be sure your trip will be full of excitement, from sightings of crocodile-infested rivers to herds of wildebeest rushing across the plains. You might also be excited to realize that you can see the amazing African sights from above as you float across the Masai Mara or Serengeti National Park in a hot air balloon safari.

Many people consider the Masai Mara National Reserve, bordering Tanzania and the Serengeti National Park, to be the best areas

The excitement of a hot air balloon safari is just another day on the plains for the wildlife.

in the world to see a wide range of wildlife, including elephants, lions, buffalo, cheetahs, zebra and wildebeest. Wildlife lovers can catch these natural wonders roaming the area anytime, but the best time is during the Great Migration, the yearlong circular route that millions of game traverse from the  southern Serengeti to the Masai Mara in search of greener pastures and a better environment as the seasons change.

The colorful glow of a hot air balloon increases the anticipation of the wonderful adventure to come.

A hot air balloon safari offers a unique perspective that complements the exhilarating land safaris that are part of your trip. Rising early, you will arrive at the balloon site before sunrise to prepare for a ride out of this world. As the burner roars, filling the huge air balloon with warm air, you will be given a safety briefing and information on how the morning will unfold. Make sure you visit the bathroom before taking off on your ride that normally takes in an hour of elevated safari gazing. Then you hop into the basket and slowly rise into the sky just as the sun

peeks over the horizon. As the light illuminates the landscape, you will get your first aerial glimpse of this vast land that is home to some of the wildest and most fascinating creatures Mother Nature has ever made.

For those scared of heights, you might find the security of the sturdy basket combined with the epic scenery enough to conquer your fears. The balloon ride feels gentle and smooth and moves with the air currents, giving a feeling of peace and wonder, unlike any other flying experience.  At the highest point, it’s like you are looking down on a vibrant map, able to admire patterns made by the rivers and trees adorning the landscape.

Then your experienced balloon pilot will turn down the burner, so you can float down to see a closer view of the animals in their natural environment. Images of birds soaring through the air, hyenas stalking prey, buffalo drinking from the riverside and giraffes flexing their long necks are some of the photos you might capture if you have your zoom lens ready. Seeing how the wildlife lives from a high vantage point give new insight into how much they rely on their natural instincts for survival.

A view from above means you see all the action.

A beautiful scene unfolds if other hot air balloons also ascend. Rising early to see the stunning Serengeti sunrise and witness the animals when they are most active before it gets too hot is a popular adventure that many describe as a highlight of their safari. Nothing compares to this majestic sky-high view of the lions basking in the sun and the hippos lumbering around in the warm waters. You also get to see secluded areas that are impossible to reach by vehicle.

While a hot air balloon safari adventure requires a very early start, the views of the sunrise and the wildlife make lifetime memories.

To make the most of your hot air balloon safari, make sure you get a good night’s sleep, so you are fully energized for the early morning start. Dress appropriately as it can be chilly before the sun comes up. Make sure you have your hat, glasses, camera and binoculars when you climb into the basket. Wear sunblock and have your batteries fully charged. Most of all, have your adventurous spirit prepared for an experience that “flies” by quickly. Before you know it, the hot air balloon pilot will be eyeing up the landing spot where your ride back to camp is parked and waiting.

Coming back down to earth is made easier with a champagne breakfast awaiting the ground. As you reflect on what you saw and felt as you flew across the African skies, you realize the day has only begun. Although it will be hard to beat the incredible hot air balloon safari, more adventures are on the agenda for another beautiful day in Africa.

Give me a call to talk about an African safari and including a hot air balloon safari and I will get to planning your trip of a lifetime faster than a cheetah dashing across the plains.

Pat Ogle-CollinsBig game from a totally different perspective!

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